Scoring a sexy goal gives more joy than scoring with a sexy girl. Even in the long run. Especially in the long run - 1776
I must confess that I have no experience of the latter and, being a midfielder whose finishing skills are average, to say the least, very few (yet precious!) experiences of the former. So I'll just take your word for it. :-)
I must confess that I have no experience of the latter and, being a midfielder whose finishing skills are average, to say the least, very few (yet precious!) experiences of the former. So I'll just take your word for it. :-)
Whatta line!
Correspondingly, is the pain of losing 0 - 3 greater than the pain of getting dumped by a girl...? Oh, but you wouldn't know about the former. Yet. :p
@Gautam: Aw, poor you.
@ Moares
You win some, you lose some.
AMEN to that truth. :/
Also, I am officially in love with your blog. I read your previous posts and you write amazingly.
And as for your blog title?
The HP reference just made me love you more.
*the creepy part ends here*
Keep on writing. (:
@ Moares: How about scoring a sexy goal to impress(here score) a sexy girl ??
And i am sure you've been there, done that !!
@Huss: Haha. I wish, I wish. Huss, YOU would have done that. Always killing two birds with a single stone :)
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